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(255/308) 1795 - gdb plugin fails at plugins > plugin options > gdbplugin > programs

Operational Scenario:
Ubuntu running in VirtualBox VM on Windows 8.1 64bit

SW Versions:
OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Java: Oracle 1.8.0_11
jEdit: 5.1.0
gdb: 0.5

Steps to reproduce:
1. Clean Ubuntu Install
2. Oracle Java Install via ppa method
3. Jedit download
4. Plugins installed (see attached for list of plugins)
5. After creating a C project, attempting to setup the program for debuggins, I went to:
Plugins > Plugin Options > Programs

Expected behavior would be to add the programs, got a beanshell error instead.

Originally plugin options > general > Gdb executable contained 'gdb' only - I modified it to say /usr/bin/gdb, both with the same result. From a terminal window, both gdb and /usr/bin/gdb run the debugger.

I've attached the full error message in two files.


Submitted valegreen - 2014-07-21 14:04:26.471000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels gdb
Status open Group None
Resolution None
